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+ Add Event

Basic Table

A collection basic to advanced table design that you can use to your data.

Using the most basic table markup.

ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
3 Ashton Cox Junior Technical Author $86,000
4 Cedric Kelly Senior Javascript Developer $433,060
5 Airi Satou Accountant $162,700
<table class="table">
Striped Rows

Add zebra-striping to any table row.

ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
3 Ashton Cox Junior Technical Author $86,000
4 Cedric Kelly Senior Javascript Developer $433,060
5 Airi Satou Accountant $162,700
<table class="table table-striped">
Bordered Table

Add borders on all sides of the table and cells.

ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
3 Ashton Cox Junior Technical Author $86,000
4 Cedric Kelly Senior Javascript Developer $433,060
5 Airi Satou Accountant $162,700
<table class="table table-bordered">
Hoverable Rows

To enable a hover state on table rows.

ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
3 Ashton Cox Junior Technical Author $86,000
4 Cedric Kelly Senior Javascript Developer $433,060
5 Airi Satou Accountant $162,700
<table class="table table-hover">
12 Color Variations for Table Header

A custom color for the head of the tables.

ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
ID Name Position Salary
ID Name Position Salary
ID Name Position Salary
ID Name Position Salary
ID Name Position Salary
ID Name Position Salary
ID Name Position Salary
ID Name Position Salary
ID Name Position Salary
<table class="table table-bordered">
  <thead class="thead-colored thead-info">..</thead>
Class Value
class="thead-colored thead-[value]" primary | success | warning | danger | info | teal | indigo | purple | pink | orange | light | dark
12 Full Color Variations for Table

A custom full color variations for the entire table.

ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
3 Ashton Cox Junior Technical Author $86,000
4 Cedric Kelly Senior Javascript Developer $433,060
5 Airi Satou Accountant $162,700
ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
3 Ashton Cox Junior Technical Author $86,000
4 Cedric Kelly Senior Javascript Developer $433,060
5 Airi Satou Accountant $162,700
ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
3 Ashton Cox Junior Technical Author $86,000
4 Cedric Kelly Senior Javascript Developer $433,060
5 Airi Satou Accountant $162,700
ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
ID Name Position Salary
1 Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800
2 Garrett Winters Accountant $170,750
<table class="table table-bordered table-primary">
Class Value
class="table table-[value]" primary | success | warning | danger | info | teal | indigo | purple | pink | orange | light | dark