Border Utilities

The following border utilities classes will add border to any side of an element.

Class Description
class="bd" Add border in all sides of an element with default color gray and default width of 1px.
class="bd-t" Add border to top side of element.
class="bd-r" Add border to right side of element.
class="bd-b" Add border to bottom side of element.
class="bd-l" Add border to left side of element.
class="bd-x" Add border to left and right side of element.
class="bd-y" Add border to top and bottom side of element.
Oh snap! Change a few things up and try submitting again.

Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit...

Below are the available border size utilities classes.

Class Description
class="bd" Set 1px (default) border to element.
class="bd bd-2" Set 2px border to element.
class="bd bd-3" Set 3px border to element.
class="bd bd-4" Set 4px border to element.
class="bd bd-5" Set 5px border to element.

You can remove a border to a single side of an element by using the following border utilities classes.

Class Description
.bd-t-0 Remove top border of an element
.bd-r-0 Remove right border of an element
.bd-b-0 Remove bottom border of an element
.bd-l-0 Remove left border of an element
.bd-x-0 Remove left and right border of an element
.bd-y-0 Remove top and bottom border of an element
.bd-[t||r|bl|x|y]-0-force Force remove border of any side of an element.

You can set a border color of any side of an element by adding the following utilities classes below.

Class Value
.bd-[value] primary | success | warning | danger | info | indigo | purple | pink | teal | orange
.bd-gray-[value] 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900

You can set a border to any element by using the following utilities classes below.

Class Description / Value
.rounded Set a border radius of 3px (default) to an element.
.rounded-[value] 5 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | circle

You can also set a border radius to a single side of an element with the default radius value of 3px.

Class Value
.rounded-[value] top | right | bottom | left